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Tennis Elbow Specialist

Active Rehab Clinics

Sports Injury Specialist located in Park Ridge, IL & Bucktown, Chicago, IL

Regardless if it’s from playing tennis or using a screwdriver, tennis elbow can make even the smallest things, like holding a pen, feel like a challenge. At Active Rehab Clinics, Tony Zemlinksy, DC, and the team of sports injury specialists can treat your tennis elbow symptoms and work to eliminate the pain associated with the condition. If you live in or near Bucktown, Chicago, or in Park Ridge, Illinois, and need effective treatments for your tennis elbow, call the office to schedule your initial consultation or book online now.

Tennis Elbow Q&A

What causes tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow, technically called lateral epicondylitis, is caused when the tendons in your arm and elbow become inflamed due to repetitive movements in the arm and wrist. It’s a form of tendinitis caused by overuse. It leads to small tears forming in your tendons, causing inflammation and pain.

Tennis elbow is common among athletes and those in certain professions, including painters, plumbers, and butchers.

What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?

The primary symptom of tennis elbow is pain where the tendon attaches to your elbow. This manifests on the outside of your arm, where your elbow bump protrudes. Pain may radiate to the forearm or wrist.

Tennis elbow often starts as an occasional dull ache and can progress to chronic pain that makes your elbow tender to touch. Due to this pain, you may struggle to grip an object, open a door, or hold a cup.

You may notice that your elbow is often stiff, especially in the morning.

How is tennis elbow diagnosed?

You should make an appointment at Active Rehab Clinics if your elbow pain and other symptoms persist despite rest and other at-home treatments like ice and heat.

Active Rehab Clinics provides thorough exams, including diagnostic testing such as X-rays and MRIs. They also use state-of-the-art Physimax functional movement assessments.

These tests, as well as a thorough review of your symptoms, lifestyle, and a physical evaluation, help your provider confirm your diagnosis. 

How is tennis elbow treated?

In minor cases, Active Rehab Clinics recommends resting your elbow and avoiding activities that make it worse. Over-the-counter pain relievers can manage any discomfort and reduce inflammation in the tendon.

Your sports injury specialist at Active Rehab Clinics may also recommend physical therapy and exercises that focus on stretching and strengthening the forearms. They may discuss wearing a brace for a brief period of time.

Active Rehab Clinics also provides chiropractic care, shallow and deep water therapy, open chain exercises, and dynamic ground-based exercises.  

When you have pain on the outside of your elbow that doesn’t want to go away, contact the experienced sports injury specialists at Active Rehab Clinics. Call the office to schedule or book your appointment online today.